Technology in the scope of engineering
the scope of engineering Technology
The development of technology, more and more rapidly. Technology is like two different sides of a coin. On the one hand, technology creates happiness for consumers, on the one hand it also creates sadness for people who cannot or cannot even use the technology. Fo the scope of engineering Technology r example, a building contractor would be easier and more pleased with his work if using a technology product in the form of software when he worked. The software, will make the contractor easy and fast in completing their tasks. As a result, there will be many consumers who will come to him, and if the contractor's expertise can be maintained and many consumers come to him again to entrust the construction of a building to the contractor, the contractor will be flooded with duties, so he must speed up the task. . the scope of engineering Technology
Conversely, if there is a contractor who stutters technology, then he will have difficulty getting consumers, because consumers have estimated that if the consumer entrusts the construction to the contractor then the development will last long. In addition, the majority of consumers who use the services of contractors who stutter technology will underestimate the results of the contractor's thinking, even though the work produced will be better than contractors who are experts in technology. the scope of engineering Technology
Technology is indeed like two different sides of a coin. On the one hand it brings benefits, but on the other hand also brings losses. However, I am sure, that every work done by humans remains at risk, even though the work has been handled by professionals or people who are highly skilled in their fields. the scope of engineering Technology
2. Purpose of Writing
a. Introducing a variety of technologies in civil engineering.
b. Know the function of the technology.
the scope of engineering Technology
3. Problem Formulation
a. Understanding of technology.
b. History and development of Civil Engineering.
c. Technology that can be used in civil engineering.
the scope of engineering Technology
4. Benefits
a. Add insight to the readers of this article.
b. Know what technology can be used in civil engineering.
the scope of engineering Technology
B. Discussion
1. Definition of technology
Technology is the whole means to provide goods needed for the survival and comfort of human life. Technology has influenced society and its surroundings in many ways. In many community groups, technology has helped improve the economy (including the current global economy) and has enabled the increase in leisure. Many technological processes produce unwanted by-products, called pollutants, and deplete natural resources, harm and damage the Earth and its environment. Various kinds of technology applications have influenced the value of a society, and new technologies often raise new ethical questions. For example, the idea of efficiency is expanding in the context of human productivity, a term which initially only concerns machinery, another example is the challenge of traditional norms. Technological developments take place in an evolutionary manner. Since ancient Roman times, cultural thinking and results have seemed to be oriented towards the field of technology. the scope of engineering Technology
Etymologically, the root of technology is "techne" which means a set of rational principles or methods related to the making of an object, or certain skills, or knowledge of principles or methods, and art. The term technology itself was first used by Philips in 1706 in a book titled Technology: Descriptions of the Arts, Especially Machines (Technology: A Description of the Arts, Especially The Mechanical).
the scope of engineering Technology
2. Civil Engineering History and Development
Civil Engineering is the study of how to design, build, renovate not only buildings and infrastructure, but also include the environment for the good of human life, so from this science is called Civil.
the scope of engineering Technology
Civil engineering, including a profession that has been developing for a long time, is estimated to have developed in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia between 4000 and 2000 BC, namely Pyramid Raja Djoser which is known to exist in the Saqqara complex, recognized as the world's oldest pyramid (over 4000 years old, or around 2600 BC) was built by an engineer named Imhotep. the scope of engineering Technology
Initially the Professional Engineer was owned by the military (part of a military position) to build defenses, fortifications, military posts, roads, bridges and other supporting buildings. After the war, these engineers are needed to rebuild the destroyed city, organize the city more regularly as needed. But finally this profession was separated from the military. The science that covers Civil Engineering includes mathematics, chemistry, geology, environment and computers. the scope of engineering Technology
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