Civil engineering is the early science of human civilization or ancient science. Many relics of previous civilization as evidence that civilian results and technology have been applied in accordance with the period of civilization. The new Civil Engineering was institutionalized as higher education began in France in the 17th century which was then fostered by the Corps Military engineers with teaching include the science of building roads, ports, bridges and topography (land / regional mapping). CIVIL ENGINEERING  OF DIVERSITY
At present, the inconsistencies that can lead to conflict are predicted to be more numerous in Construction Projects, both small and large, where each individual or group incorporated in the project implementation will tend to be more aggressive to protect and demand their rights, even the possibility of some parties to utilize weaknesses of one form of contract that has been mutually agreed upon. Therefore an increase in the role of contract management in the supervision of implementation, provisions, agreements, agreements, and rules relating to handling conflicts in large-scale projects is very necessary at this time. CIVIL ENGINEERING  OF DIVERSITY
 Ontrak management deals with agreement on project funding, marketing agreements, contracts with contractors, contracts with material suppliers, all consultants involved in the implementation, and subsequently with users / tenants. CIVIL ENGINEERING  OF DIVERSITY
The management process will not stop after the conclusion of a contract, but during the process of physical work, supervision, retention, operations and sales, resolving the non-conformity that occurs, the obstacles that arise during that period also include being the responsibility of contract management. that the selection of contract strategies, specifications and contract preparation processes must be prepared and implemented with good expertise as part of the project delivery system. From the description above it can be seen that the amount of attention that must be devoted must be devoted to resolving conflicts and problems that will arise with the support of a good contract management process for the smooth continuity of the project and protecting all possibilities of all parties. CIVIL ENGINEERING  OF DIVERSITY
One part of contract management is carrying out supervision and directing conflict into one situation to implement conflict management, according to experts where side-by-side conflict can provide benefits for individuals and groups or one management organization because it can produce a new form of information that will improve quality in decision-making process. Likewise conflict can damage the ongoing management process. on this side the nature of the conflict is ambiguous and can make a weak decision produced by management within an organization, or even worse it can make the dissolution of a working group that can ultimately derail a business that has been initiated together. on the other hand conflict can also be useful for one form of development or increase in results that is better than previously imagined. CIVIL ENGINEERING  OF DIVERSITY
In the implementation of contract management, the handling of conflicts arising should be grouped by the type of trigger, conflict can arise due to competition between groups or divisions within an organization even though the reward system applied is sufficiently sporty and open. the next conflict can also arise due to the lack of resources that form management in one organization, resulting in conflict in an effort to obtain these resources. the third occurrence of conflict can also be triggered by the performance of individuals who are members of organizations with good functional expertise, but have a habit often override contributions that come from other parts of the organization or often make a difference or not compromise. CIVIL ENGINEERING  OF DIVERSITY
                                      Conflicts tend to often appear at managerial levels within the construction industry environment and are usually based on how the management system is implemented. such as looking at technology-oriented projects, inconsistencies can occur in the technical field, technical trade-offs and how to achieve good performance. Both conflicts arise in administrative procedures in a management system by project where managers will usually argue over how to implement project management. the next is disagreement that arises between individuals and is more personality than technical. And finally, because each party thinks that the placement of staff for the project team in management by project does not result in conformity of opinion, both from functional staff and from other functional departments, this condition can trigger a conflict that has the nuances of Manpower Resources crisis. CIVIL ENGINEERING  OF DIVERSITY

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