Jayaboard Holds 2019 Design Competition

 Design Competition Jayaboard Holds
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - USG Boral Indonesia Jayaboard again held a design competition titled "Jayaboard Design Competition" 2019. The holding of this competition as an effort to strengthen the

role and contribution of the company in the field of innovation development, and the growth of the sustainable construction industry. "Jayaboard Design Competition" is a race event that is held every  Design Competition Jayaboard Holds

year. For this year, more than 300 architects from professionals and students participated in this year. "This year's theme is 'Building and Disaster Response Environment'," said President Director of USG Boral Indonesia Jayaboard Andi Chandra, answering Kompas.com, in Jakarta (03/14/2019).  Design Competition Jayaboard Holds

The works of the architects and students will be assessed by a jury who is the founder and principal architect of Urbane Indonesia. A total of 25 of the best works will be recorded and the proceeds will be allocated for charity purposes. Growing 15 percent On the same occasion, Andi
 Design Competition Jayaboard Holds

 was optimistic that Jayaboard could grow up to 15 percent this year. As a pioneer of gypsum boards in Indonesia, continued Andi, Jayaboard currently controls 40 percent of market share. "Property is being sluggish, but we project it after the 2019 presidential election, business will recover,
 Design Competition Jayaboard Holds

 and demand will increase again. Both the retail and business to business (B2B) markets," Andi said. Also read: O Architects, Joining Jayaboard Resort and Resort Design Competition Andi

 Design Competition Jayaboard Holds

acknowledged, gypsum board production has exceeded capacity (over capacity) along with weak market demand. Therefore, almost half or 50 percent of Jayaboard products are transferred to foreign
 Design Competition Jayaboard Holds

markets. "It cannot be denied, demand has not yet recovered. So we decided to export it to foreign countries," said Andi. However, to maintain the existence of the gypsum board business in Indonesia, Jayaboard continues to innovate. The latest is the development of the EasyFinish system. This is also to support sustainable growth targets for this and future years. Design Competition Jayaboard Holds

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