In the middle of the desert, Israel's new airport can be hot

For more than half a century, airports in Israel have seen a contrast to many other charts of the country. In fact, not a few who say if the design is airport can be hot In the middle of the desert, Israel's  The team also warmed the outer covering of the building by about 15 to 20 centimeters to let the wind freely enter the building. (Amir Mann-Ami Shinar Architects) new airport can be hot In the middle of the desert, Israel's But this is no longer a problem, because Israel's new airport, Ilan and Asaf Ramon International Airport are designed modern and in stark contrast to the surrounding desert environment. The new airport was named after the Israeli astronaut Ilan Ramon who died in the 2003 Space Shuttle Columbia disaster and the name of his son,new airport can be hot In the middle of the desert, Israel's  Asaf, who is an Israeli Air Force pilot who died during training. Airport construction costs up to 473.5 million US dollars. The airport in the middle of the desert will start operating this year. new airport can be hot In the middle of the desert, Israel's The airport is north of Eilat, a city on the southern border of Israel. Geographically, the location of the airport is closer to the pervatasab of Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia than to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv in the north. In addition to its location, another interesting thing about this airport is its location, which is technically most of the infrastructure is underground. Such as baggage handling areas, security, technical operations, new airport can be hot In the middle of the desert, Israel's and areas where vehicles park and transport airport can be hot In the middle of the desert, Israel's  White aluminum panels on the outside are useful to help reflect light from buildings (Amir Mann-Ami Shinar Architects) In addition, the location of the airport in the middle of the desert makes the development process another challenge. new airport can be hot In the middle of the desert, Israel's According to the architect in charge of designing the airport, Asaf Mann of Amir Mann-Ami Shinar Architects and Planners in partnership with Moshe Zur Architects, extreme desert climate sometimes makes the construction process begin after sunset. new airport can be hot In the middle of the desert, Israel's"Therefore we use a projector to illuminate the area," Mann said. The airport design is also able to make sunlight into the building but without giving heat to the interior. "Because of the heat, we don't use skylight glass roofs in the design, which is a typical solution to allow natural light to enter the airport terminal,"new airport can be hot In the middle of the desert, Israel's Mann said. The architect team added two patio or central terraces that were able to bring light into the core building without worrying about the desert heat. (Amir Mann-Ami Shinar Architects) Instead, the architect team added two patios or central terraces that were able to bring light into the core building without worrying about heat. In addition, the team also warmed the outer covering of the building by about 15 to 20 centimeters to let the wind freely enter the building. "We also added white aluminum panels to the outside to help reflect light from the building, further reducing the temperature of the building," Mann airport can be hot In the middle of the desert, Israel's

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